Thursday, August 23, 2018

Captain Goodvibes revisited

Growing up in the outer suburbs of Melbourne in the 1970s was pretty much a waste land.
Magazines like Tracks showed a world a million miles away aesthetically and socially.
It was the mag where even the ads took you somewhere else.
Besides the articles and photography of unattainable places there was the regular Captain Goodvibes strip.
Tony Edwards and the Captain

Creator Tony Edwards had a unique style that made hard lines obsolete, Each panel was a wonderland of dots and shading.
Each month the Good Captain with his faithful dog Astro managed to be disgusting, violent and hilarious all in one big mad adventure.

This gem is a short film from where I'm not sure but it faithfully reproduces the comic strip.
Conjures up what Yellow Submarine would have been like if the creators hit the gin and heroin instead of the acid.

Captain Goodvibes

Captain Goodvibes created and drawn by Tony Edwards
is an icon of Australian Cartooning as well as OZ Surf Culture.

Captain Goodvibes was rude, crude and irreverant and was at the cutting edge of Australian humour and graphic design.

Goodvibes status in Australian Cartoon history always seemed pushed to the background with it's creator Tony Edwards only recently building a webssite to capitalise on his popularity.

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